Small Bump in the Road

It wasn't an easy day for the team as there was an argument, which isn't uncommon for companies or groups. The argument was pretty much a time management issue of the art team since we had a different pipeline than the rest of the team. And we also had a three day buffer to fix anything that could have been wrong. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it in my opinion, but there can't always be peace in the world, so there was argument. But that's just how it is in life, nothing in life is ever easy, there's always going to be arguments, there's always going to be some tension, but we just have to get through them and keep moving forward.

On the bright side, I was able to finish a decent wood texture for the floorboard/deck and a water texture so that's nice
. I'm actually pretty proud of my work, it wan't easy to learn Substance Designer, especially on such short notice, but I'm happy with my results.
